Here’s the car as it arrived at Braun’s shop, ready for graphics.
Working on the photo above in Flexisign software, Braun designed the graphics.
Here’s the result, printed and wrapped.
Here’s the design for the graphics, which Braun did using FlexiSign software on the photo of the car that he took in the shop.
Here are the finished graphics on the body, applied and ready to go.

Designing successful racecar graphics

“Make them look like they are going fast sitting still...”

By signcraft

Posted on Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

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At 15, Braun Bleamer was in the graphics program at his local vo-tech school, but not sure what he wanted to do. He had a knack for letters and logo design—and they had some lettering quills and 1 Shot enamels.

It was 1992, and his family had just moved to the area. He was 15 minutes from the Mahoning Valley Speedway, and most of his new friends were into auto racing. Several of their dads had race cars. It wasn’t long before his instructor let him take home some quills so he could letter a race car for one of them.

“Before long,” Braun says, laughing, “I was doing a race car over the weekend for $150. I wasn’t making anything but I was learning a lot. I spent all week planning what stripe, number and colors I was going to use. Plus, at the speedway, I had a lot of terrific work to look at, done by guys like Scottie Kania [Scottie Design & Lettering, Easton, Pennsylvania].

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