Free lunch? Send us your Tips & Tricks!
By signcraft
Posted on Sunday, January 29th, 2023
Chester Board, a sign painter friend of mine, told me once how traveling sign painters used to stop by his shop, looking for work. Sometimes he had work, sometimes he didn’t.
“Either way,” Chester said, “I always offered to go across the street to a little diner for lunch. I told them that if they could tell me one good tip—something I didn’t already know—then lunch was on me. I learned a lot of helpful things in that diner.”
Chester has been gone for many years, but we’re making the same offer: If you can send us a tip on any aspect of sign making or running a sign business, we’ll send you $25 for lunch when we publish it. The tip can be anything that has saved you time or made you money—any problem you’ve solved, from business and pricing issues to paint or application hassles.
When I roll a coat of Latex Paint on a Sign, usually there are some air bubbles. This is normal. Instead of re-rolling to POP these, I use an airgun from the compressor to eliminate these